4th-6th grades.
Explore a wide variety of fascinating subjects in Discoveries in Writing! In this theme-based writing curriculum, students will write about exciting topics such as the Bayeux Tapestry, tsunamis, Jerusalem and the Crusades, and other fascinating subjects while they learn to write with the Structure and Style® writing method.
This class is appropriate for students who are new to IEW, as well as students who have had an IEW class but need more practice before moving into higher levels.
Please note: This class requires weekly involvement from a parent, guardian, or other helper. Parents will partner with the student to help them with their weekly checklist and edit their rough drafts. Homework: Approx. 3 hours per week.
Materials needed:
IEW Discoveries In Writing! Student Book
3-ring notebook to hold and organize papers
A thesaurus or access to one online
Teacher: Stephanie Starr
Tuition $60/mo
Material fee: $15 one time fee
(Price is a ONE-TIME charge of $15, plus the MONTHLY tuition fee.)
You will be charged the first month’s tuition PLUS the material fee in this transaction. Your monthly fee will ONLY be the amount listed for tuition. Price includes a 3% credit card processing fee.
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