Thrive Preparatory Academy
Enrollment is open
Click here to enroll
Registration Fees
New Family Application Fee $50 (non-refundable and one per household)
Facility Use Fee $100 each (non-refundable and one per student)
Registration Fee $75 each (non-refundable and one per student)
Registration fee will increase after June 1, 2024.
Tuition Payments
Tuition is due on the first of every month:
Elementary & Middle School- September through April
High School- August through April
A late payment fee will be charged for any payments received after the 5th of the month.
$25 late fee per class the first time.
$50 late fee per class for each subsequent time a payment is late.
Add/Drop Policy
Prior to the start of school:
Classes may be added at no additional cost. Class additions must be done through the website.
If you elect to drop a class, you must notify the director in writing. There is a $20 drop fee.
After August 1:
Even if your child stops coming to (or decides not to attend) class for any reason, you will still be responsible for paying tuition for the remainder of the school year.